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關於CBS | CBS宗旨

CBS PurposeCBS 宗旨
Angela Lin


NYU 教育與社會政策碩士

身為公司的創立者及首席顧問,我樂見於每位孩子質感的養成,而不是套框架下的產物, 我也想邀請大家打破高分的迷思 ,Essay(文書)的靈魂才是申請的致勝關鍵, 出國深造不是再是為了學歷而念書,不再是為了念書而念書,更是認識自己生命的美妙過程, 也是摸索更多可能性的自我創造,相信CBS洋學願團隊的專業引領下你會發現, 你是一顆光亮出眾的鑽石並且獨一無二 !

Consultant of Best Schools (CBS) maintains a content rich information library that accelerates student placement with higher education institutions.
The CBS team is comprised of an international group of consultants and mentors/coaches that help students explore their full potential. CBS’s proven methodologies and processes offer a step by step approach to achieving your higher education goals. Angela Lin is the managing director and founder of CBS.

Angela developed and worked hard on our proven program while she earned her advanced degrees in the USA.
Foundational principles include:
• Learning to learn
• Independent thinking
• Leadership
Each program is uniquely designed to bring out the particular qualities of every applicant.
We believe, earning a diploma to satisfy anyone other than the individual is a myth. Our consultants help students identify their strengths, passions and priorities. The end result is a tailored program that is aligned to your career objectives.
Our focused individualized approach produces unique essays that sail through the application process.
CBS’s professional team will work with you step by step through the process so that you can polish yourself like a diamond and make you shine.
Come start this wonderful journey with CBS!!
“There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, to know one’s self.”
—Benjamin Franklin